Top food and eeo boffin Dec Gilmore of NNSportCoaching, gives us his basics for a healthy balanced diet.

By Declan Gilmore
Nutrition is as individual as your fingerprint! Everybody metabolises food/energy at different rates. For a complete and confidential individual assessment and recommendations contact me.
But for now - to get us started - here are some simple tips which everybody can benefit from...
No supplements will replace real whole seasonal food! Get your protein from Meat, Fish Eggs not bars!
Eat mindfully (NO phones or tablets), slowly and chew all foods to a liquid – your stomach has NO teeth!
Don’t drink a lot with your meals it will dilute stomach acid which affects digestion
Get more sleep-Studies have found lack of sleep decreases recovery time and increases your risk of injury and avoid phones or tablets in the bedroom – these interfere with sleep and other bedroom activities!
Keep yourself hydrated by drinking small amounts of water instead of downing large amounts in one go. Your muscles are 75% water and a 3% loss can reduce strength by 10% and speed by 8%!

About Declan
I am an IINH qualified (higher diploma) nutrition and health coach specialising in sports performance where I incorporate my passion for local seasonal whole-foods with training, injury prevention, hydration and sleep advice. I design individual, realistic and sustainable plans to suit all ages and levels involved in sport.
Declan Gilmore
H-Dip IINH Nutrition & Health Coach - 0862486544 -